Method 6 jars – effective personal finance management lesson

Each day you spend 8 to 12 hours to work hard but still not enough money to cover daily necessities? Meanwhile, some of your friends have the same income, but their lives are quite comfortable. The problem here is that you do not know how to manage your finances effectively.

Is it time for you to sit back and find a solution?

The JARS Personal Finance Management Method was invented by T. Harv Eker (author of Secret of Millionaire Mind). With this method, your money will be divided equally among 6 jars – representing 6 individual accounts. Each jar will account for the corresponding%, depending on the level needed.

The JARS method not only focuses on the development of assets but also focuses on personal development, creating financial management habits for each individual.

On MISA Money Keeper application, this method has been applied effectively, bringing certain benefits to users. For each user’s spending will be listed according to each corresponding item like the content in 6 jars mentioned

  1. NEC (Necessities) – Account necessary spending – 55%

This is a consumer account for your necessary expenses. The effect of this account is to let you know what your spending limit is, from which you will make lifestyle changes to suit your needs.

Expected items in the NEC group are: Food, Travel, Living Services

2. (Long Term Saving for Spending) – Saving accounts for the future –10%

This account helps you make a big financial goals in the future such as buying a house, buying a car, saving money for the wedding. The recording feature of the accumulated money on the Money Keeper app will easily help you see clearly what your goal is and will save gradually to achieve that goal.

3. EDU (Education) – Educational accounts – 10%

This is an account that invests in increasing your worth through basic courses or training. The effect of this account is to remind you to constantly invest in yourself because this is your most profitable investment in the future. Expenditure items for personal development needs MISA Money Keeper is listed in this account group.

4. FFA (Financial Freedom) – Financial freedom accounts – 10%

Put simply, this is the account used to make a profitable investment. You can use this account to play stocks, contribute capital to do business with friends. The effect of this account is to give you an available amount of money, used for future investment purposes. You can manage this money by saving and recording your savings with the MISA Money Keeper app.

5. PLAY – Beneficiary account – 10%

After hours of stressful work, you need to relieve stress by activities such as eating, gathering friends, or simply shopping for the necessary equipment to satisfy your needs. The effect of this account is for you to enjoy the money you make and create more motivation to earn more. The categories of PLAY account group that have been integrated in the application include: Travel, Cosmetics, Beauty, Music …

6. GIVE – Charity account 5%

This is the account to you for help or to thank, share to others, be it going donations, charitable help people in trouble, support the people of flood zones .. expenditure items heading GIVE your account include: H Article blow, Visitation, Funerals …

Based on your income, MISA Money Keeper will help you evaluate your spending situation according to the function of 6 spending groups. Refer to the above method to adjust your spending behavior!